Pacific Coast Marine Firemen, Oilers, Watertenders and Wipers Association

Established 1883 in San Francisco, California
Affiliated with the Seafarers International Union of North America, AFL-CIO
Established 1883 in San Francisco, California
Affiliated with the Seafarers International Union of North America, AFL-CIO
The Pacific Coast Marine Firemen, Oilers, Watertenders and Wipers Association, commonly referred to as the Marine Firemen’s Union, represents unlicensed merchant mariners who work in the engine department aboard a variety of ships.
The union was formed October 1883 in San Francisco, California. The founding members were firemen on Pacif
The Pacific Coast Marine Firemen, Oilers, Watertenders and Wipers Association, commonly referred to as the Marine Firemen’s Union, represents unlicensed merchant mariners who work in the engine department aboard a variety of ships.
The union was formed October 1883 in San Francisco, California. The founding members were firemen on Pacific Coast coal-burning steamers.
Today, the union dispatches mariners to the following billets: Electrician/Refrigerating Engineer, Pumpman/Machinist, Junior Engineer, Oiler, Wiper and Shore Mechanic. .
The objects of the Union shall be:
- To increase the wages and other remuneration of its members by all legitimate avenues under its control by negotiations with ship owners; by strikes, if necessary; by collective bargaining agreements; by conciliation; and by legislation.
- To improve the working conditions of its members in the same mann
The objects of the Union shall be:
- To increase the wages and other remuneration of its members by all legitimate avenues under its control by negotiations with ship owners; by strikes, if necessary; by collective bargaining agreements; by conciliation; and by legislation.
- To improve the working conditions of its members in the same manner.
- To strive, by every means possible, to better the living conditions of its members, both on board ship and ashore.
- To shorten the hours of labor of its members.
- To fight for the adoption of laws that will be directly beneficial to all seamen and to aid in securing legislation beneficial to all workers.
- To provide an efficient, well qualified worker.
- To inform its membership on problems faced by the Union, the maritime industry and by all labor.
- To engage in such organizational activities as are necessary to protect the jurisdiction of this Union.
- To unite with other labor organizations for mutual aid and protection.
- To promote respect for lawful picket lines.
- In addition to the foregoing objectives, the Union may from time to time, at its own discretion, adopt other objectives.
I pledge my word of honor
that I will be faithful to the Marine Firemen’s Union;
that I will work for its best interests and look upon every
member as my brother.
That I will not work for less than Union wages, nor
upon any vessel with non-union unlicensed engine room personnel, unless I get permission from the Union.
I also pledge that I will
I pledge my word of honor
that I will be faithful to the Marine Firemen’s Union;
that I will work for its best interests and look upon every
member as my brother.
That I will not work for less than Union wages, nor
upon any vessel with non-union unlicensed engine room personnel, unless I get permission from the Union.
I also pledge that I will never reveal the proceedings
of the Union to its injury or to people who have no right
to know the same; and if I break my pledge, I forfeit all
rights and privileges of the Union.
MV President JQ Adams
APL Marine Services
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