Immediate openings for:
- Electrician
- Pumpman
- Electrician (with MSC training)
- Pumpman (with MSC training)
- Oiler (with MSC training)
Call or visit one of our hiring halls in Directory.
We accept applications in person for the following ratings on a continual basis.
● QMED - Electrician/Refrigerating Engineer with RFPEW and Able Seafarer-Engine
● QMED - Pumpman/Machinist with RFPEW and Able Seafarer-Engine
● QMED - Junior Engineer with RFPEW and Able Seafarer-Engine
● QMED - Oiler with RFPEW
If you are not a member of the Marine Firemen's Union, you may register in person for work as a non-seniority applicant. The minimum requirements necessary to receive an application are:
● Current U.S. Merchant Mariner's Credential (endorsed as Wiper)
● Current STCW Basic Training endorsement
● Current STCW Vessel Personnel with Designated Security Duties (VPDSD) and Security Awareness (SA) endorsements
● Current STCW Two-Year Medical Certificate
● Current Transportation Worker Identification Credential (TWIC)
● Current Passport
● Printout of DOT-approved drug screen (within six months)
You will not be considered for employment if you do not possess all of the above items.
The Marine Firemen's Union does not send or receive applications by mail.
The Marine Firemen's Union dispatches members and non-seniority applicants to billets aboard vessels operated by contracted shipping companies. The union utilizes a seniority-based rotary dispatch system.
The selection and eventual membership status of non-seniority applicants is determined by the union on an as needed basis.
The jobs calls are held at 10:00 a.m. and 2:00 p.m., Monday through Friday, at the following hiring hall locations:
San Francisco Bay Area Hiring Hall
Marine Firemen's Union
240 Second Street
San Francisco, CA 94105
Los Angeles/Long Beach Hiring Hall
Marine Firemen's Union
533-B North Marine Avenue
Wilmington, CA 90744
Honolulu Hiring Hall
Marine Firemen's Union
707 Alakea Street, Suite 102
Honolulu, HI 96813
Puget Sound Hiring Hall
Sailors' Union of the Pacific
4005 - 20th Avenue West, Suite 115
Seattle, WA 98199
If a sea-going billet becomes available to you, you will be sent to a medical center for a physical examination and given instructions on when and where to report for duty.